After attending the Courage Retreat yesterday, I would like all of you to share
your thoughts on our blog. Please comment only using your pen name!
You may say what your act of courage is, how the retreat has changed
your thinking, your thoughts on bullying, or anything else that you think is
worthy of sharing on our blog.
Please think about these quotes - you may respond to as many as you would like to...
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”
― E.E. Cummings
― E.E. Cummings
“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”
― Winston Churchill
― Winston Churchill
“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.”
― Coco Chanel
― Coco Chanel
“Courage is found in unlikely places.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien
― J.R.R. Tolkien
Without fear there cannot be courage.”
― Christopher Paolini
― Christopher Paolini
The music during the courage retreat was very noisy. I got tired of the screaming and yelling really quickly but the activities were fun. I got a little bored when they were just talking and talking forever. The pizza was good but I usually have home lunch so I couldn’t get used to the long line. I did not get why the end was sad. I just hope that nobody gets bullied anymore at school. My parents told me that popularity wasn’t the most important thing when I was younger. It stinks to be bullied because I experienced it in 4th grade.
ReplyDeleteMy act of courage is to focus more on being the real me and not to try hard to fit in with the crowd. I always think of myself as a different person but in a good way I have friends that respect me for the real me and not something they want me to be! I also want to focus on standing up for others who won’t stand up for themselves. I think that in order to stand up for someone you barely even know you must learn to stand up for yourself. Bullying can be a big problem in our school and some people don’t even recognize its happening to them or someone else. I really can understand the quote “The most courageous act is to still think for yourself. Aloud” and the reason why I think that is because I know if I was bullied I would stand up for myself and stop it but some people can’t. I would like to not only work on being myself but help stand up for others so they can do the same.
ReplyDeleteIn the Courage Retreat, we had gotten to do what we wanted and be ourselves, it was awesome! We also got to dance around. I learned that bullying is a HUGE problem in the community and we need to stop it NOW. We also got to play a game called the Jump Rope Challenge, where a group of people run through the jump rope without being touched in the back by the rope and make it to the other side. And there were about 200 of us so we all had to take turns to get through it and if someone got touched by the rope everyone would have to start over. We also got to eat pizza and have water bottles for lunch I had 3 slices because I was starving because I didn’t have breakfast. At the end me did a ritual were we sit in a big circle and write an act of courage what will be submit to the community to stop bullying. Then we went to a bowl with water in it and dropped a pebble and told our act of courage mine was ‘’ I will try to stop bullying before it happens because I was once told that if you hurt someone you put a dent into their hearts and dents take a long time to heal.
ReplyDeleteMy act of courage is to stop lying because it has become a habit that I am not proud of and I’m not really me anymore… After the Courage Retreat I felt more inspired to do something about bullying since everyday by my locker there is a bully problem. The retreat has changed my thinking by how worthless the person that is getting bullied might feel and I don’t want that to go through anybody’s mind because it hurts inside and can really change the person. The quote “Courage is found in unlikely places.” From J.R.R. Tolkien is true because courage is formed when you are doing something that you don’t expect yourself to be doing and you gather up confidence to face your fears.
ReplyDeleteWhen I went on the Courage retreat, I thought we were just going to talk about stuff the whole time but, we ended up playing games like the giant jump rope challenge. The giant jump rope challenge was probably my favorite game because it was really a challenge and involved using team work. We got through the jump rope after the third time.
ReplyDeleteWhen we were writing on our courage cards I wrote down that I won’t bully and if I see it I will make it stop. I thought that this was important to write down because if everyone doesn’t treat people right then the people who are getting bullied will have low self-esteem. I have bullied someone and I’ve been bullied but after going on the courage retreat, I now realize that no one should be treated unfair.
My act of courage is that I’m going to stick up to bullies, even if it means I have to call out a friend to stick up to them. If I stick up to people I could gain confidence in myself plus, I can stop one of the many bullies. Plus, I believe that maybe if I do something about bullying, others will follow. It could be like a chain reaction. My other act of courage is to just be me. I think it’s hard for some people to be themselves. Some people want to be popular or be the prettiest girl in school. Don’t think like that and put yourself down. You can be the most popular girl by just being nice and kind, not be being the prettiest. I can understand the quote, “Without fear, there cannot be courage.” I can understand this because we all have fears, and it takes a lot of courage to beat them. If your fear is that you are afraid of a bully, you have to face it, get some courage and stand up to that person. Just remember, together we can make a change.
ReplyDeleteThe courage retreat was a lot of fun, the people there were really funny their job is just to be idiots until the very end and it is a lot of FUN! But every idiotic thing they do is related to courage and a lot of fun it isn’t a four hour lecture about courage. At the end it can get a little emotional for some people but that’s okay it takes courage to show your emotions. It changes you, when you leave you feel different and that you want to make a change and put a stop to bullying and to be you…. Don’t be one of a million be one in a million. I decided to be more myself and not follow the crowd because I am NOTHING like those people. (If you are a big money winner you might sound like a chipmunk.)
My act of courage is to hi to somebody new every day and to try to sit at a different lunch table to get to know new kids also want to stand up to bully’s because, I know what it feels like to be bullied and it makes you feel like you are nothing like you don’t matter and nobody cares about you so I think if we each stand up to a local bully soon there won’t be any more bystanders and no more bully’s. So stand up for you or others that way no one has to deal with bully’s any more. A teacher once told me that the feelings of a victim of bullying is like a crumpled up piece of paper if you iron it some wrinkles will come out but there will still be some left that you can never get to leave that’s what it’s like to be bullied you can get better but some of that pain deep down will never go away no matter how hard you try.
ReplyDeleteThe “Courage Retreat” is AWESOME. Well… more CRAZY than awesome… But it was very inspiring. There was a funny chaperon that told us stories and LET us play FUN GAMES… At some times it was boring, but then the next second you were up and running/dancing around the floor! I could tell that this “Courage Retreat” was a very big part of the people’s lives. At the end we all sat on the floor and we all did a like a ritual where we all sat around while we wrote what our step to make our school better and environment better… so people would go into the middle of the giant circle and would drop a pebble into the water. Then would pick up the microphone and start telling the whole group what their steps to Courage were… That was fun! In the end it was very peaceful and quite, we all left in silence…. Sort of… Overall it was a “Worth it” time to go and I will go back next year…. IF I can…
ReplyDeleteAfter seeing the Courage Reatreat, I got inspired to take an act of courage to my own hands. My act of courage is to stand up for myself and other bullied victims because I feel that no one should have to go through feeling worthless, left out, not fitting in, being exposed, and just not being perfect. Bullies have no right to take a say in every person whenever and however they feel like it. They just don’t understand the meaning of hurt. I say that between the decision that is right and the decision that is between you and your friends, your heart is the key to follow. I think everyone should help out one another and forget being alone and forgotten. Bullying just isn’t getting us anywhere but to sorrow, guilt, and losing what you love most, so take a stand and be the change you want to see!
ReplyDeleteThe Courage Retreat was awesome. It taught me that most of the things holding me back are my fears and what will people think of me if I do this. You know E.E Cummings quote, “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” Well know I can understand it more and agree with it, it does take courage to grow up but to have courage you must have fear and I learned that everyone has fear. Like what Christopher Paolini said, without fear there cannot be courage.” Also at the Courage retreat they told us stories and did a play called the drama that really resents our everyday school life. And at the end of the day my act of courage was to speak up, I’ve been shy a lot of my life but know that I went I know I should speak up, for me and for others, to have a voice.
ReplyDeleteMy act of courage is to stand up to bullying no matter who the bully is. I picked this for my act of courage because sometimes it’s your friend who is bullying, and if it is your friend, your opinion would matter. The courage retreat changed my thinking because I realized even if you’re just teasing someone, it still might hurt their feelings, so you have to be careful of what you say. The quote, “Without fear there cannot be courage” (By: Christopher Palioni) stood out to me because if you’re thinking, ‘What will they think of me’, and you do it anyway, that’s courage that came out of fear. Another quote is “Courage is found in unlikely places” (By: J.R.R Tolkien) that quote reminded me of the story of the most “popular” girl standing up for a girl who was being bullied, because you think that she would never say that, but she did. That was true courage.
ReplyDeleteMy act of courage was to try and help a new student find some if not all of his/ her classes. I chose this act because I’ve been that new kid and it feels really good to have someone help on your first and second days.
ReplyDeleteThe Courage Retreat was very fun to enter the room you had to go through a tunnel of screaming 9th graders. Then when you got in they had the music blasting and every one was dancing and having a good time. And then we had to settle down and meet our big group leaders and our small group leaders. They were all very nice.
We played all sorts of fun games, they were all games that made you look stupid. And you have to participate if you don’t they embarrass you in front of the whole group. My favorite game was the big jump rope challenge. The leaders pick a number of mistakes that you can have to get under that number. You have to run through the jump rope and try not to get hit if you do you and everyone that made it crossed have to go back to the end if the line and try it again.
The end was my favorite part. The pebble and the pond activity. That’s when the room is dim and people go up put a pebble in the pond and then share their act of courage with everyone. I used a lot of my courage to go up and share my act that I’m going to try very hard to do.
I thought the courage retreat was going to be pretty boring. I thought all that we were going to do was sit and get told lectures, but I was wrong! The courage retreat was actually really fun! We played games, got told stories, and talked and discussed in our small groups. My favorite part was probably the giant jump rope challenge because everyone was super excited, and we all wanted to get the least amount of hits as possible. I also liked when Dan would tell all the funny stories and joke around.
ReplyDeleteWhen K.K. told the two stories about Samantha on the bus and Ben in the cafeteria, I was shocked that people could be so cruel and mean. I feel bad for Ben and Samantha, but I’m glad that Molly stood up for Samantha, and told everyone to stop.
My act of courage is to stop changing to fit into other groups and just be myself. I found out that other people will accept me for who I am and if I need to change to hang out with other people. They aren’t my true friends.
When we went to the courage retreat everyone said it was sad at the end. I didn’t think so at all. I went up to share after a while but here is what I was trying to get at. Nobody has a reason to feel sad or depressed because we live in America. This isn’t the best country in the world either but it could be. Just that we have the right to vote people think that makes us so free, it doesn’t. anybody in England cares about the fact that they have a king and are richer than us. Things could also be a lot worse. People in so places will have their children killed even before they can have a glass of water. That’s the way the world works. I don’t care about the self of steam of other kids. I don’t go lowering it either but adults, schools, and sports need to push the kids a little more. Kids need to realize not everyone is a winner.
ReplyDeleteWe need to focus on the real world problems and not the weak girl who killed herself because she was teased. Even though suicide is a horrible thing, but seriously guys things could be a lot worse and next time you think your life is horrible or dreaded. Go think of what it would be like for you to be stoned. Which is an execution in some places where they burry you in said to your feet and throw stones at your head until you bleed out or get brain injuries and die. To those people who say being bullied is the worst thing in world to feel it’s not. I went through depression and thought what it would be like if I was being tortured in a Taliban base, being stoned, or never having a clean glass of water. Point is you have nothing to be sad about and committing suicide is only optional when something’s actually horrible.
When I attended the Courage Retreat I was skeptical about it but after going I glad I went because they mixed in fun but serious stuff. They taught me that you shouldn’t do what everyone else is doing you should do the right thing even if it will destroy another. They taught me that you have to be yourself otherwise you lose you. It is a really serious issue about people not doing anything about it and that it isn’t right to bully someone just because they have a disability or because they like different stuff than you. She told us a story about a girl who grew up one a farm that every day she would get on the bus the popular kids would yell “Mooooo” And that happened for half the year until one day the most popular girl stood up for her. And after that her friends wouldn’t let her sit at the back there because she stood up for her. And in that story something made me mad that they would get mad at her for standing up to someone. One of her stories was sad because a kid got made fun of because he was deaf and that is not right because he didn’t choose to have that he was born with it and kids were making fun of him for it which I think is not fair. But the most touching part was when we promised to do things to make a better world. Overall it was really fun but really touching.
ReplyDeleteAfter the courage retreat my thoughts and point of view was really changed, the impact was huge. It really taught me some life lessons, some were “if you know how bullying hurts, then why do you do it.” It showed me how some people really felt about going to school every day and what their thoughts about it are, being bullied or feeling like you’re on top of the world. There was many other lessons, but the one that caught my attention the most was when K.K. was telling her story about her bus ride to school, and one day they decided to “Moooo” at Samantha because she lived on a farm and there were cows and horses in the pasture and land of her house, but one day Molly Becker stood up, the one that got the single seat in the back stood up and said, “hey, knock it off, she walked up to Samantha and said I’m sorry.” Even though she did lose her spot in the back of the bus, she took the courage to stand up and so something for her. If you have to not act yourself around your friends, there probably not your friends, if you feel like you have to wear this mask around your friends, you should find some new ones most likely. From a point of view like everybody else in this world you have to choices, you can fallow the crowd or you can be yourself, most choose the crowd because you are scared of what people think of you.
ReplyDeleteI had a lot of fun at the courage retreat because I got to make new friends and use courage that I didn’t think I had. I think the courage retreat will not only help me become a better person but make the school a better place to learn. With the courage that I didn’t think I had before we can stop bulling, and be ourselves. Some people will change after the retreat, some will be their selves, but I want stop bulling and have everyone be friends not foes. I’ve never been bullied, and never wish to be bullied and to do that we need to end bulling now.
“Without fear there cannot be courage.”
-Christopher Paolini
I think it means that if I didn’t have a fear of anything I wouldn’t be able to use my courage to overcome that fear, so you would end up never using your courage, and if we never used our courage we would never stop bulling.
I thought the courage retreat was fun. It was very inspiring and made you think in different kinds of ways. My act of courage is to stop bullying when I see it because being bullied isn’t fun. Just because you see it happen to someone else, doesn’t mean that it isn’t going to happen to you. You should stop bulling when you see it because it will make the world a better place to live. I will also include everyone that is by themselves. It is not a good feeling to be by yourself all of the time. It makes you think that you are not wanted. The story that really stood out to me was the story about Samantha. Every day she would get mooed at by the “cool” kids in the back of the bus. One day the most popular girl in school, Molly, stood up to everyone else and said stop. She told everyone that it wasn’t funny. And from then on, Samantha and Molly were best friends and no one picked on Samantha again. Knowing that someone always has your back feels really good. That is why I want to include everyone and stand up for them.
ReplyDeleteI thought the courage retreat was fun. While we were there, it was interesting to meet new people and get to know them. It was inspiring at the end when people said what their act of courage was. People really put thought into it and it was really interesting to see people have courage to go up there and say in front of everyone what they would like to change in the world and how they were going to do it. I thought it was fascinating to see other people’s point of view/ perspective on things. A lot of other people had the same act of courage as me. My act of courage to stand up to bully’s and not be a by-stander. . A story that really stood out to me was about how a girl named Samantha was being treated poorly by people on the bus, and some one that was ‘popular’ finally stood up for her and told everyone to stop. She made a good change to the girl being picked on. I think that more people should be like her. I will try to help. When I see someone continuously getting bullied... I will stand up for them. I won’t just stand there with a horrible feeling inside. No one wants to be bullied. Hopefully more people will try to help, and do the same.
ReplyDeleteThe most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” (― Coco Chanel) This is absolutely true in more ways than you can imagine! Just think how much it matters to be yourself, to have the courage to speak for yourself. This quote also teaches you to stand up to stand up to bullies and to have the courage to say what you think. The Courage Retreat teaches you that “Courage is found in unlikely places.” (― J.R.R. Tolkien) This means that you have to look deep down in your heart to find your courage. The quote by Christopher Paolini “Without fear there cannot be courage.” makes you realize that courage is not easy to find. You need to look deep in your heart to find the courage to say what you think.Sometimes you will be scared to say what you think. What I heard about the Courage Retreat makes me realize that I need to be 100 % me and that I can’t follow people who aren’t like me or go with the flow of other people.
ReplyDeleteThe Courage Retreat was a one of the best field trip ever been on! The people there had play games like THE MASIVE JUMP ROPE CHALLENGE where you had to get your whole team though the jump rope and to the other side, but if someone got hit with the jump rope everyone on the other side had to start over. The lesson with the game was the rope was the problems that you faced every day and you need to have courage to tackle the problems. Then after a few more games we formed into small groups and discussed what courage means and what you need it for. After that we had delicious Domino’s pizza for lunch. Then we listened to JJ talk about when she should have stood up for people and how we should use courage to stand up for our classmates when their being bullied. When we were almost done we made act of courage. An act of courage is a goal that you’re going to do to help people. My act of courage was to stop bulling from happening because I’ve been bullied and didn’t like one bit. The Courage Retreat change my life and made me be nicer to people I’ve been mean to.
ReplyDeleteAs I entered the Courage Retreat I did not know what to expect, because my teacher said it was going to be very fun and it sounded like a guy talking to us for 4 hours about courage. As it turned out it was not a four hour talk, instead we filled the day with games and fun. However part of the day got serious and the leaders talked to us about every day courage and not just courage as in being in the military or going into a burning house to save someone. The courage we talked about was to stand up to a bully, to be you, or to sit with the new kid at lunch even if it means to be made fun of. They told us that it’s more important to be ourselves than follow the crowd and fit in. They told us stories about how they’ve experienced bulling and how horrible it is to bully. A speaker told us a story that went like this, a boy moved in next to the speaker, K-k and they became friends quickly and since it would be the first day of school for Ben she promised she would save a spot for him at her lunch table. So the next day at school she motioned him to come sit with her and the rest of their table. He saw and came to the table and at first people introduced themselves to Ben. The most popular boy, Jeb said, “I know that kid he’s in my math class, he is an idiot.” Soon the rest of the table did the same and laughed at Ben with Jeb. That was the power of one bully. So my act of courage is to make new kids feel more comfortable in school.
ReplyDeleteI thought that the courage retreat was very interesting and fun. It made me think of the word courage in a different perspective. It made me think that you can stand up for anything that you believe in. The story that reflected me most was the one about the blind kid named Ben .It was sad to here that all of the kids at the lunch table started out saying nice things to Ben but then ended up following the really popular boy and calling him names. Ben ended up moving to a different lunch table for the rest of the school year. This story really shows how a few words of meanness can really change someone’s feelings from happy to sad very fast. So that’s why my act of courage was to stop bulling and to make this world a better place to live in because when you’re bullied, you feel really down and feel like you don’t belong in the world. But that’s not true. Everyone lives in this world is here for a reason because of their own special talent whether it’s being a good athlete or being funny. Never let people bring you down because you are who you are and you can’t let others change that for you.
ReplyDeleteMy act of courage from the courage retreat is to stand up for people because I now being teased is not fun. No one should be treated like they’re not important or like they don’t exist. I want to stop bullying I now that it doesn’t feel right at all. I haven’t been bullied but my friend has and I could feel how she felt just trying to help her. There was a true story that was told to use while we were at the Courage Retreat. There was a girl named Samantha who lived on a farm and she was always the last to be picked up and they had cows on the farm. When Samantha got on the bus the popular girl Molly said “on three we’re going to moo, one, two,” Samantha took her last step on the bus with a smiling face, “three, moo! It traveled up the bus and suddenly her face turned to tears and a big sad frown. From that day she wore a hood to hide her face, and every day the moo cried out to her from the back of the bus to the front until one day as she got on the bus the moo started but Molly the girl who started it said, “stop,” as she made her way up to the front of the bus she said she was sorry and that she never wanted to her another moo out of the bus. Molly sat next to Samantha for the rest of the year in the very front of the bus; Samantha never got teased on the bus again. At the Courage Retreat we heard many other stories but that one stood out to me the most because on my bus a lot of people get teased. I think the Courage Retreat is a good field trip, to go on because it makes people realize the harm of taunting and bulling. Even though I was never really bullied I was teased and I now it doesn’t feel good.
ReplyDeleteAt the Courage Retreat we wrote our act of courage I wrote that I will stand up for myself and my friends because we should stop bullying and it doesn’t feel good when it happens to someone. At the Retreat they told a story about this girl named Samantha and this other girl named Molly. Samantha lived on a farm and every day she got picked up last so every time she got on the bus all the popular kids started to moo. When she got on the bus she was happy but when she got inside her expression changed so quickly from happy to sad. After that day she wore a hood so nobody could see her face. They kept on mooing until one day Molly said “STOP, I’m sorry Samantha.” And that day on Samantha and Molly sat at the front of the bus and became good friends. ‘it takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” I agree with this because it does take courage to grow up and be you. And if you are about to go to the Courage Retreat it is going to be really fun for you they teach you in a way you can have fun and learn at the same time!
ReplyDeleteAt the courage retreat I learned a lot about bulling. One person said that if you bully someone than it will leave a big dent and it will be hard to heal. I think that is a very good saying and that everyone will not bulling anyone ever again in this world. If I have a chance to make a difference I would stand up to bulling and make the bullies a very hart warming friend that everybody would love, I know I would want that so you would to. DON’T BE A BYSTANDER BE A BULLY BUSTER!!!!!!! ;)
DeleteAt the Courage Retreat we wrote our act of courage I wrote that I will stand up for myself and my friends because we should stop bullying and it doesn’t feel good when it happens to someone. At the Retreat they told a story about this girl named Samantha and this other girl named Molly. Samantha lived on a farm and every day she got picked up last so every time she got on the bus all the popular kids started to moo. When she got on the bus she was happy but when she got inside her expression changed so quickly from happy to sad. After that day she wore a hood so nobody could see her face. They kept on mooing until one day Molly said “STOP, I’m sorry Samantha.” And that day on Samantha and Molly sat at the front of the bus and became good friends. ‘it takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” I agree with this because it does take courage to grow up and be you. And if you are about to go to the Courage Retreat it is going to be really fun for you they teach you in a way you can have fun and learn at the same time!
ReplyDeleteAt the courage retreat I learned a lot about bulling. One person said that if you bully someone than it will leave a big dent and it will be hard to heal. I think that is a very good saying and that everyone will not bulling anyone ever again in this world. If I have a chance to make a difference I would stand up to bulling and make the bullies a very hart warming friend that everybody would love, I know I would want that so you would to. DON’T BE A BYSTANDER BE A BULLY BUSTER!!!!!!! ;)
ReplyDeleteThe courage changed my thinking about bulling. A lot of people said “they have been bullied.” Bulling isn’t right, you don’t look cool when you do it. You are feeling sad so you think you can make others feel bad. My act of courage was to be myself. Lately at school I haven’t been myself around other groups of friends. I think others should be yourself so others will know the real you and not a different you. The retreat was really fun. The 9th grade leaders were full of energy and crazy. Bulling should be stopped by people who are watching it happen. If you are a bystander you aren’t helping, you’re just making it worse. Bystanders should take a stand in bulling to help stop it. If we all tell one person to stop bulling someone they might actually listen to us. Use a group of people to help stop. I know for a fact the bullier will stop if there is 10-15 kids saying stop instead of 1-3. I loved the courage retreat and I hope we can go again.
ReplyDeleteThe courage retreat changed my thinking a lot. I now notice there are some people that are lonely and need someone to trust. So I made a pledge to help those people out and stand up for others that need help. So for anyone who hear this tell others and the world can change all because you made a difference in your school. So stop bullies stop taunting. Stop and make a change!
ReplyDeleteThe courage retreat was awesome! It was fun and high energized. The music was loud. All the people who were there were funny. They treated us with respect and the way you would normally treat someone. It was a learning experience for everyone. And I really took away a lot they said with me and thought about it often. The stories they told were sad and they definitely made me want to treat people better and with more respect. The games we played were fun. I loved the pizza and my group leader. My group was honest and we all helped in every activity. At the end when we did the pebble thing, I went first and I was really nervous. But I said what I said, and I definitely don’t regret saying it. And I will do my act of courage. My act of courage is to stand up to my friends and tell them to stop making fun of my guy friend. It definitely makes me sad when they say mean things about him. So yeah he’s a boy, but he’s my friend. I’m a grateful for the retreat. I am going to make a stand to bullying and make sure it stops. Bullying is not cool and that IS a FACT.
ReplyDeleteThe courage retreat changed the way I see the thoughts and what people think of me so I’m going to learn to draw very well and not stop because of what people may think of me. If I want to something you don’t then I’ll be it like a writer or a scientist I won’t let the crowd hold me down. I have the courage to do it and speak up to the crowd doing the wrong thing and do my thing, I have the courage to be myself not someone else.
ReplyDeleteThe courage retreat was fun. The hosts were very energetic and crazy. They loved there job and thought it was important to teach kids about courage and not to bully. When we first got there we played some games and I won a cheeseburger yo-yo in the “big money winning game”. A few other people won stuff to. The hosts where fun and we had these things called minigroups. We had three throughout the day and each one was about a different subject. After our 2nd one we got pizza from dominos. It was good and tasty. Then we had a dance thing I don’t really know but after that we did the giant jump rope challenge. It was supposed to represent the rope as fear and if we could jump it we conquered our fears. Then one of the counselors told us some stories about that stuff and how she had made some bad decisions. Our last activity was pebble in the pond. We could choose to say what our act of courage is and mine is to stand up to bullying.
ReplyDeleteThe courage retreat was not what I expected. I thought we were going to sit down and listen to them talk about bullying the whole time. It really was really fun though! We talked about bullying and stuff but we also played lots of games. My favorite game was the giant jump rope challenge. It was my favorite game because you and your whole class had to get through the jump rope without getting hit. We had to do it three times till everyone got threw; even the teachers had to do it! The people who ran the courage retreat were really fun and funny because they would always make jokes and do some really funny things. For lunch we got to eat pizza. The pizza was really good but you can only take two pieces unless there were extra. You would also have 9th grade leaders in small groups and the leaders would tell you some things about bullying. At the end we had to write an act of courage on a card and do whatever we wrote on the card if we see it or do it. My act of courage was to stand up. That was my act of courage because I have been bullied and it makes you scared when you see that person or unsafe when you go to school.
ReplyDeleteThe courage retreat has REALLY changed my thinking for bullying. Who knew following your heart would decide on who you’re going to be in life? That struck me as being very important because I feel that there are some people at this school that “go with the crowd” because they are afraid about what other people might think of them. I honestly think that if you lose yourself confidence, you could lose yourself completely. And that could REALLY damage you entirely. The people at the courage retreat were super nice and super funny. And they also made the message out to us very clear that even someone who speaks a different language could understand the message. Well, maybe not LITERALLY but you know what I mean. Right from the start they gave us courage to some of us, to “take off” our masks so to speak. Right when I walked in I could tell that these short six hours were going to be the six hours I’ll remember for the rest of my life. I really hope this helps out our school a lot because I’ve seen, been bullied before and it’s really not good for our kind, for any kind actually. My message to everyone is” BULLYING ISN’T NICE, SO DON’T PAY THE PRICE!!!”
ReplyDeleteAt the courage retreat we wrote our act of courage I wrote that I will stand up for myself and my friends because we should stop bullying it doesn’t feel good when you’re getting bullied or when you’re being a bully. when KK was talking about how everybody was mooing at Samantha it caught my attention because I don’t think you should treat people like that and when she said that Molly the most popular girl in school stood up for her that also caught my attention. If someone does that to one of my friends I will stand up for him/her just like Molly did because nobody should be treated like that. Everybody at school should be treated fairly. When KK told us the story about Ben it started off nice until she said that he sat alone until he was a senior in high school. KK told us some really sad stories. Also when KK said that she couldn’t decide who to sit with Amy her science partner or the girls she didn’t want the girls to think that she was a nerd or anything. All of her situations made me think have I been in those situation and have done the wrong think? I know I can be shy sometimes but when you really get to know me I’m really different then you thing I am.
ReplyDeleteThe courage retreat was fun. The hosts were very energetic and crazy. They loved there job and thought it was important to teach kids about courage and not to bully. When we first got there we played some games and I won a cheeseburger yo-yo in the “big money winning game”. A few other people won stuff to. The hosts where fun and we had these things called minigroups. We had three throughout the day and each one was about a different subject. After our 2nd one we got pizza from dominos. It was good and tasty. Then we had a dance thing I don’t really know but after that we did the giant jump rope challenge. It was supposed to represent the rope as fear and if we could jump it we conquered our fears. Then one of the counselors told us some stories about that stuff and how she had made some bad decisions. Our last activity was pebble in the pond. We could choose to say what our act of courage is and mine is to stand up to bullying.
ReplyDeleteThe courage retreat was actually fun and it was a great way to stop bullying and other stuff like that. There were games like the big jump rope challenge and there was a group of people who was talking about how to be courageous and stand up against bullying. After a while we got pizza and it was delicious! Then we went back to our groups and answered some questions. That was fine, but the best part of all was when we danced. At the end we went back to the big group and we all got a sheet of paper that you had to write about an act of courage you were going to do. I wrote that my act of courage was that from now on I will be myself because if you don’t no one will actually know you. That’s it.
ReplyDeleteAt the courage retreat I learned that everybody should be themselves no matter what. If you’re not yourself in the future you’ll end up being the person you’re trying to be. Also at the courage retreat we wrote down an act of courage. I wrote down the next time I see someone getting bullied I will stand up for them and say ‘’knock it off’’. Because I’ve seen a lot of kids get bullied and ill I did those times I would just stand there and do nothing. I know that feeling when you’re getting bullied its horrible that’s why I’m going to speak up and you should to. That way people will follow and realize that bullying is not ok and eventually there will be no bullying. When KK told me the stories of en and Samantha it was horrible that people think it’s cool and funny to make fun of them because there deaf or where they live. When that happens more than one person should speak up. Finally be yourself I used to just try and fit in, but I realized that it’s not me. I used to be shy and not say anything at school like I do at home. Now I love to get my word out there. I might be a little crazy, but that’s ME.
ReplyDeleteThe courage retreat was a fun fieldtrip. The best part was the giant jump rope challenge. I learned a lot about how bullying can affect somebody’s life. People who bully are not doing the right thing, they should stop bullying. People also should not be bystanders, because if we want to stop bullying we should not be bystanders. If you of somebody else is being bullied you should tell a teacher, if you don’t then the bullying will spread and there will be more bullies. Bullies are not good because they can hurt somebody’s feelings and change the way the person thinks and acts. Don’t be a bully or a bystander, it is not going to resolve anything.
ReplyDeleteMy time at the courage retreat was really fun but most important the people there helping taught me how to stand up for what I believe in and to stand up to bullies so next time I see bullying I am going to put a stop to it and I believe if I tell someone to stop other people might do the same thing, and we can make a change to my school and stop bullying. They also taught me how to be courageous so now I have a lot more courage and I am not going to be afraid I am going to take a stand. I have been bullied before and it is not a good feeling you won’t want to go to school, all you want to do is stay home .I am not going to do that I am going to stand up and tell the bully to noke it off. Alot of people are scared to stand up to a bully cause they think they are going to get bullied to and get beat up so no one does anything or maybe it is just the thought what will they think of me if I help a kid getting bullied I might lose some friends but the truth is if a friend is not your friend anymore for standing up for a kid they are not a friend.
ReplyDeleteI thought that the courage retreat was very fun! When I walked in the gymnasium, the music was blasting, and people were yelling in a good way and giving me high-fives. It was always up right, and moving. We were playing a lot of games and were in our small groups for not long and I was fine with that. My favorite game that we all played as in the large group was, the giant jump-rope challenge! In that game, everyone had to get through the twirling rope. Even the teachers and leaders did! We talk about courage of cores, but made me think of it in a different perspective. The word courage means; cor. Cor is the word courage in a different language. And also means heart.
ReplyDeleteMy courage pledge was to be me. Like the way I acted at the retreat. And not to worry about what others say or think about me. All I have to do is meet the right friends and have them meet the real me.
At the retreat I met a lot of new people. Some I didn’t even know were in the Explorer group, and not less in the school!
The retreat helped be the real me. And I did in fact leave the gymnasium, that day, not worried about who to be.
At the courage retreat I had a lot of fun. We played tons of games, danced, and got into littler groups to do deeper thinking. My favorite part was the jump rope challenge! During the jump rope challenge everyone had to get through the jump rope. If someone got hit with the rope everyone had to go back to the end of the line. It took 3 tries for everyone to get through to rope. I will never forget this field trip!
ReplyDeleteI think it is important to stand up for others. When someone is getting bullied you and some friends should stop it. That person could be getting hurt and teased. My sister was getting bullied and she was going through a hard time, failing classes and sitting alone at lunch. It was hard seeing her go through that and I think no one else should.
It would help our school to stop bulling because it’s not right to hurt some on for how the look, talk, for how they dress or what their personality is. It’s important to be yourself so why take that away from them. I thing no one should be a bully or be bullied.
Yesterday, I went to the Courage Retreat. We came in the Gym of the Community Center, and there were a LOAD of 9th Grader’s that had come to help out. They gave us High-Fives and then we came and stood in the middle of the room. A Speaker there, then told us too “Dance with him!?” Lol, so we danced! We had a lot of talks about BULLIES. I knew the retreat had to have effected at least SOME people, because all of the Students that had been Bullying ME were There! In the end we had played games, talked, and just had plain FUN! I especially liked the Jump Rope Challenge, The challenge was that you had to get about, Umm, 200? People or so through this Giant JUMP ROPE!! It was sooooo Much Fun! Now that I have been to the courage retreat, I have seen how many kids have ACTUALLY been Bullied! It turns out it wasn’t Just me! That makes me feel a lot better. My act of Courage was to help ANYONE getting bullied. Even if that means possibly losing friends, Because bullying is NEVER right and should be put to an end. I don’t care if I personally know the victim or not, I WILL help them. The Courage Retreat was Very helpful, One of the people bullying me had Actually apologized! It had been a really fun day, and I hope to do it again some-time.
ReplyDeleteCourage. It takes courage to even say the word. KK, Dan, and Megan made me realize that everybody faces the same problems that I do… I`ve always seemed to think that nobody actually understands but, I guess I was super wrong. The drama they put together about their thoughts was truly an eye opener. The voice in their heads in the skit, sounded exactly like the voice in mine. I really took it in and enjoyed the stories KK told us. I never really knew how lucky I really was to have true friends. People I can call family. I hope not one single person has actually felt the feeling of being called stupid. Fat. Ugly. Unwanted. Worthless. All those hateful tears worth words cut into others` soul. But you gotta know that you are wonderful. Just the way you are. And if you do change, do it for the better not the worse. Life`s too important to spend it on making another`s miserable. It`s too important to spend it on judging others. It’s too important to spend it on worrying what others think, or what other do cause in the end, you are a strong amazing person who has enough courage to even look in the mirror and be happy with what you see. You don’t like it? Change it. But don’t change it for them, change for you. Cause in my eyes, you are you. And you`ve never been more beautiful.
DeleteAt the courage retreat my act of courage is to stand up for as many people as I can. I will stand up for my friends and my siblings even though I don’t like them that much. I like playing the jump rope challenge. It was fun. Think I know what it resembled it resembled that you have to get through your life with courage and it takes courage to go through without getting hit by the rope. This is why it takes courage to stand up to a bully. That’s why I will try to take a stand and stand up for the kids that are to scared to stand up for them self’s. I also liked the money game even though I didn’t get any money I did like meeting some new people. And that’s what I did at the courage retreat.
ReplyDeleteThe courage retreat made a huge impact of how I see things in my point of view. It told me that bully happening in school a lot you might not notice but, it does . Me just standing there think that they are kidding but, they are really not peoples feelings are getting hurt and me just standing there doing nothing will never make a difference. So I am going to stand up for what is right and make it a better school excluding people is not ok. If I lose friends cause of that they weren’t the good ones I am going to stand up for people if I know them or not I’m going to do what is good. When K.K said moo to the girl I was surprised she would do that. Just because she lives on a farm your going to make fun of her? That’s not alright and when the really popular girl stood up for her that was surprising. That shows me that only one voice can make a big difference and I want to be that voice. The popular girl lost her spot but, did she care? No, she didn’t care at all. That took a lot of courage to go up in front of everybody in the bus and say “Knock it off”. A lot of courage that everybody has in them if they want to stand up for bullying do it know that later. Because other people feelings are getting hurt and your feelings might get hurt to. So stand up before it is to late. Because someone feelings could of already got hurt and you could have been the one to stand up and show your stance of courage. And if you copy peoples styles because you want to fit in the “crowd” well don’t do it if you don’t like the style don’t do it be the real you and show it to everybody because being the real you wont help anything but, your self.
ReplyDeleteThe courage retreat changed the way I see the thoughts and what people think of me so I’m going to learn to draw very well and not stop because of what people may think of me. If I want to something you don’t then I’ll be it like a writer or a scientist I won’t let the crowd hold me down. I have the courage to do it and speak up to the crowd doing the wrong thing and do my thing, I have the courage to be myself not someone else. The courage retreat made me think about how people are bullied every day and how people don’t have the courage to deal with it they just stand there waiting and watching as people suffer and don’t help so I made it a personal goal to abolish when I see it
ReplyDeleteYesterday, I went to the Courage Retreat. My goal was to try to stop Gossip. Gossip is very rude, and should be stopped when it gets to you. I am going to make this commitment. Many people are bullied each day and no one does anything. It usually occurs when an older kid is picking on a little kid. No one does anything because FEAR builds up inside of them. Don’t let FEAR make your dictions, You Make your own dections. FEAR is something that happens in many occasions. People come to school every day thinking “What are they going to think of my outfit?” “Am I going to get bullied again?” “What if I get booked in the halls?” and much more. People have FEAR. No matter what, everybody has a FEAR. The Ninth Graders were very help full yesterday. They stayed on task and were really nice. And to that, I say thanks. Thanks for making my group talking, laugh, and discuss things together. Thanks You. And to everyone who went up in front of everyone , you all said some very nice things. Some I would have never thought of myself. You even made some people get teary eyed. That shows you care. You have a lot of COURAGE to go up there. Now, The pizza was very good and the jump rope challenge was AWESOME. We good everyone over including all the teachers. Especially the teacher that slid across the floor. That was funny. I really hope to go again. Sometime soon. And when I’m in Ninth Grade, I hope to be a volunteer.
ReplyDeleteThe courage retreat was ok. There were some parts that I didn’t like, like dancing and the money person thing. There were some pretty weird dances that I didn’t want to be seen doing, and also the money person only gave you money if you were the 17th person to shake their hand. And also they only gave a dollar and not a big amount of money, and they gave you the option to keep your money or pick something out from a paper bag, but that’s enough of that. The retreat actually was kind of fun and though some parts seemed to cliché, it was still enough to keep me entertained. The people running the show were people that worked with a company called Youth Frontiers, and those people were really fun to work with. They gave us a big lecture about how courage and fear can affect peoples lives and how believing in yourself can change your life and they also put in some parts about bullying in there too. We ate pizza and drank water for lunch, but that lunch plan totally backfired on the people serving the pizza because they said you could only take three pieces of pizza(two for the first and one more if there were leftovers). But some took over four pieces of pizza! At the end of the day the people who were running the show made us write what we would do on a piece of paper. This is what I wrote: you don’t have to follow the crowd to be cool, be yourself and you can achieve anything you want!
ReplyDeleteCourage retreat is a place where you stand up and speak. What courage retreat is really about is that courage retreat is a place where you stand up for someone how is being bullied. Courage retreat makes me feel like I can stand up for anything. Every one lives in this world for a reason is because they have talents. Never let people bring you down because you are who you are and you let other people change you. Ones my teacher told me that word can heart you but a stick cant.i would help my school to stop bulling people because it is not right to heart people on how they look.
ReplyDeleteI would stand up for myself and my friends because we should stop bulling people and I doesn’t feel good when it happens to someone. “I take courage to grow up and to be who you really are”. Courage retreat can teach you a lot of things and it is fun.
The courage retreat was one of the best field trip I went on so far in six grade. We went to the community center in the gym and we had to stand outside that door for about five to ten minutes .We went inside the gym there was 9 graders there standing in a double line giving us high-five and we started to dance and we went around and gave people high-five and then after all that we got in a bog circle and we had to dance across the circle if we had this or had and then we talked about bullying and we had to get in are groups and we had to answer questions about would you rather to this or that. We went back to the middle of the gym and the speaker would tell us stories about people who have been bullied be for and there was this story about a girl that got bullied on the bus. She said when she was in high school she would see people get bullied and she said there was this girl and that rode the bus and there was a girl in the back seat and would say hey once she gets on the bus we should all say moo and so everyone acted like what she say and once she got on the bus everyone said moo and her face went to bright and happy to sad and they would do that every single day and then one day she said stop and everyone did and she said sorry and she sat right next to every day and became best friends.
ReplyDeleteAt the courage retreat when they told me to sit down and listen to them talking about bulling. The people at the courage retreat are funny .I learned lot of bulling that can hurt someone feeling. The best game was the giant jump rope and the pizza was good. People who bulling are not doing the right thing. I will stand up for someone who get bulling. People who bulling need to STOP!
ReplyDeleteThe courage retreat was ok. There were some parts that I didn’t like, like dancing and the money person thing. There were some pretty weird dances that I didn’t want to be seen doing, and also the money person only gave you money if you were the 17th person to shake their hand. And also they only gave a dollar and not a big amount of money, and they gave you the option to keep your money or pick something out from a paper bag, but that’s enough of that. The retreat actually was kind of fun and though some parts seemed to cliché, it was still enough to keep me entertained. The people running the show were people that worked with a company called Youth Frontiers, and those people were really fun to work with. They gave us a big lecture about how courage and fear can affect peoples lives and how believing in yourself can change your life and they also put in some parts about bullying in there too. We ate pizza and drank water for lunch, but that lunch plan totally backfired on the people serving the pizza because they said you could only take three pieces of pizza(two for the first and one more if there were leftovers). But some took over four pieces of pizza! At the end of the day the people who were running the show made us write what we would do on a piece of paper. This is what I wrote: you don’t have to follow the crowd to be cool, be yourself and you can achieve anything you want
ReplyDeleteWhen I was at the Courage Retreat I learned a lot. Like not to bully, also one of the people said a lot of wise things. They also taught us that there is a voice inside are head and it tells us what to do, and some this it is wrong. We did a lot of fun things like dancing, a super jump rope challenge. We had to go thought a giant jump rope. Then sit down .their was this really funny guy. He was hilarious. Then we had pizza is was amazing. Then we had this pebble thing. They turned off all the lights and then we shared are courage thing.
ReplyDeleteWhen I left the courage retreat I was very touched in the heart. My act of courage was to not try so hard to fit in. All my friends are cool and I try hard to fit in, my dad says be different be a leader. I try but then I get down. I like the quote “It takes courage to become who you really are.” I like that because it’s hard for me to be who I really am. Around my friends I am a city girl. Then around my family I am outdoorsmen. I am one who is an adventure. It’s embarrassing to be that in front of my friends. I think I should try to like outdoor me not city me.
ReplyDeleteI thought the courage retreat was really fun. Some of my friends that had already gone on it said it was really fun or they said it was really boring. So I just went with an open mind to see if I would like it or not. I thought the big jump rope challenge was fun because we had to work as a team to try and get past it. That was what the whole retreat was about I think. My act of courage was to just be myself and not try and be someone else. I find myself doing that sometimes and I think I should stop because I am who I am and that’s what makes me, me. I also like the stories KK told us about because they were true and they talked about if she had the courage to stand up for her friends or not and that’s exactly why we went there to learn about if you have the courage to do the right things or not. I also thought the pizza was really good for lunch but I kind of wish we got more food rather than just pizza, maybe like chips or something. I am glad we went yesterday because I really learned a lot and I learned a lesson about what courage actually met cause I really didn’t know what it met until KK told us I thought it was just do you have the courage to do a scary rollercoaster or something like that.
ReplyDeleteAt the courage retreat I had a blast. We dance and had a fun time. I met new friends. We had a jump rope jumping challenge that you got done in 3 tries. I learned a lot of new stuff about believe in your heart and follow your heart. Once I didn’t follow my heart and followed the crowd. 2 years ago I figure out that that was not a good idea. I was mean to all my friends. at the end of the courage retreat we played a game called “Pebble in the Pond”. At the end a said sorry to all the people I was mean at.
ReplyDeleteWhen I went to the courage retreat I had a blast, we played a lot of fun games were you could win money and just to have fun! Most importantly I learned what courage actually is, it means the core of your heart. It also means to stand up for yourself and others, to be you, and to take risks some times. I will never forget them because when I left that place happy and ready to take some risks and to stand up for me and my friends, and TO BE ME! My act of courage is to stop being a bystander and to stop being so scared to do it because when I was bullied it made a big crack in my heart and I don’t want that to happen to anyone else because I know how it feels. I also learned how to have fun while it still has a meaning.
ReplyDeleteWhen I attended the courage retreat I did not expect them to be giving us a high five, screaming at us, and being all happy. We all were really happy and excited when they did that though. When Dan started to dance and we all started to laugh and do it with him. But when we calmed down we talked about bullying and they told us about the three heats. Also they told us to believe in your hearts and to follow your hearts. When they told us story’s that happened in their life where they didn’t do anything to stand up for the people that were getting bullied really made a point to me. But back to the good side when we did the giant jump rope challenge it was REALLY fun. I thought that game was to see if we could work together and not yell at the people that didn’t make it through. I was really happy for the people that made it through and I was really happy for the people that didn’t make through. I was happy for the people that didn’t make it through because they didn’t get down on their selves, and they weren’t being a bad sport because they didn’t make it through. When we did the ripple in the pound I was really touched at what they said and I say that because some of the people have been bullied and I didn’t do anything stop it. But if you are a bully, stop it right now.
ReplyDeleteAt the courage retreat I really got a new perspective on bullying like how if one person tells the bully to knock it off the most likely the will stop. I think that the quote “it takes courage to grow to be the person you really are” helped me realize to be who I really am and that hiding won’t help. My act of courage will be to help and stand up when I see bullying. I think what really helped me make this act of courage is how the teacher told us how she had experienced that .a time when I took an act of courage is when these people where bullying this one kid I came up to him and tried to cheer him up. My favorite part of the courage retreat was the jump rope challenge it was fun to time it just write.
ReplyDeleteWhen we were at the courage retreat I learned that it takes courage to make the right choice when you are in that situation when you can be yourself or follow what your friends are doing. I thought that the story about Molly and Samantha was really neat because Molly is the one that started it and she was brave enough to stop it. The story about Ben surprised me too because when I was listening to her I did not think that Ben would be deaf. My act of courage is to treat others the way I would want to be treated because if you know what it feels like to be bullied then you know it feels bad and no one else wants to feel like that either. I liked the statement “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are”. I liked this because I think it really does take courage to be yourself and not follow the crowd just so you can have friends because if you be yourself you will have better friends that get along better with you and you have things in common with that friend. I also liked the one that said “Without fear there cannot be courage”. I liked this one because if you have no fears then there is no way you can change who you are. The retreat changed my thinking because it helped me think about not to do something I don’t want to do just because my friends do it because I don’t want them to think bad about me. I learned to do what I want to do and to be myself because you can’t go your whole life with doing what other people want to do so don’t follow their lead and be yourself and have courage.
ReplyDeleteAfter I got back from the courage retreat It change the way I think by… when I see people get bullied or booked I will help them out by helping picking up their stuff or tell to bully to knock it off or get a teacher. The retreat helped by to just being myself instead of someone I’m not really am. “Without fear there cannot be fear.” I like that saying because it’s true because if you aren’t scared of bullies them you’ll have no courage to stand up and take a change. “Courage is found in unlikely places.” I also like that because it happens every day at school because you raise your hand and take a chance to answer it because you might get it wrong or u might get it right. My favorite part of the retreat is the jump rope challenge. The courage retreat was so fun.
ReplyDeleteI had fun with the COURAGE RETREAT a lot . like not to be a bully, one person said a lot of wise things . we all have a voice and we should use it. We did the’’ jump rope challenge’’ to make us to get across with the jump rope without fear. We had pizza that was good it was crazy at first when we got there first. We turned off the lights and did pebble in the pond. We said what does courage mean.
ReplyDeleteAfter we went to the courage retreat I felt like we could put an end to bullying. The people that were running the courage retreat made every won think that just one person can stop bullying I think even the bullies that were there are going to change their ways and they will stop other bullies and then they will stop and on and on and on. I know that no one is perfect but you can be even better person or even a better friend. Once you get the slightest thing of courage you well feel good about yourself and you will help anyone that is in need of it. Stand up to bullies it will make people feel good about their self’s.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was at the Courage Retreat, I loved the part where you had to talk with your group and had to talk about where you needed courage in our life. I also liked the part where we had to use teamwork to get across the jump rope. Most of the time we were talking about just fun playful stuff. Up until close to the end it started it get a little more serious about bullies and the courage to stand up for yourself. They said to don’t be with the crowd and be yourself. When they told me to write my act of courage on that little index card. I wrote that when you are being bullied don’t ignore the bullies you have to stand up for yourself and your friend’s even if you are scared. The quote by E.E. Cummings “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are” Is very true you can’t grow up if you don’t have courage. You’re just going to be that scared 6th grader who still has fear of not being popular, appearances, and trying to stick with the crowd. The quotes by Christopher Paolini “Without fear there cannot be courage” I like this quote because with fear you get scared and want to fight back somehow. Even if you don’t have fear. You can’t have courage because you don’t really want to do anything without fear.
ReplyDeleteAfter I went to the retreat yesterday, at first I thought it was going to be supper boring but turns out it was really fun. It was a little too upbeat and step out of your comfort zone and come dance with us, for me. I love to dance but not in public. Dan, and Kk taught me that it’s okay to step out of your comfort zone and just be yourself. I loved the ripple in the water activity because there were so many great responses. Like I liked Ashley H. response about how it’s not cool to be a bully and you might think you are but you’re not. Even know lots of people said things about bullies, Ashley H. stood out to me. For my ripple in the pond I said I would try to be as nice as possible to everyone to meat also I would talk to many new people to make new friends and to be myself and except people for who they are.
ReplyDeleteThe Courage Retreat was ok, I did not like all of it. When you walk in there was music, 9th graders giving high-fives.
ReplyDeleteThen the people that work for the courage retreat talking about bullying and you should stand up for other people and yourself.
We played games that was not that good. Some of the games like where we the 100 and some kids have to get though without getting hit by the rope. As the day went on we had pizza then the people that work there did a play were they act out a day of a 6th grader.
At the end there was a thing were you drop a pebble into a bowl then talk about courage.
Wean I was at the courage retreat I learned that everyone needs to be treated the same and everybody can change. I learned that bullying needs to stop because bullies can crush peoples happens. I thought that wean kk told the stores about her child hood and what people did to her friends those people wear gust selfish and wanted to be cool. I liked how they were rely nice. In the end I liked how everybody didn’t laugh at you. I liked it wean we wear in are small groups. My act of contrition is to not be a bystander and try to help.
ReplyDeleteWhen I went to the courage retreat I learned to stand up to bully’s and not let people make fun of you and to be yourself. Courage is what it takes to stand up and tell bully’s to stop and that’s not cool, courage is also listening to what someone has to say. If you aren’t scared you can’t have any courage. You have to have courage to grow up and be who you really are in life. I liked the ripple effect at the end of the day because people are trying to tell us what they are going to do to stand against bullies. My favorite part of the field trip was when we tried to get to the other side and not get hit by the jump rope. When I left I thought about was I being nice to people and can I treat people better
ReplyDeleteMy act of courage is to stay myself and to never change because I want to stay myself. I won’t never copy off nobody because I’m not a copier like if someone every tell me to do something I won’t do it unless it’s an adult but the adults can’t tell me to do stupid stuff like go jump off the river I won’t jump do that.
ReplyDeleteThe retreat change my thinking because they were telling their story and I thought about it and then when we did the big huge circle thing when some people shared what was on their sheet I was thinking about that to like I was thinking about should I do that or not then like every last one of those I said I should do that because I do want to stop bullying and I kind of do want to change my life because sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t
When we went to the courage retreat I had a great time! What I learned while I was there was that you need to take risks and have good friends and step up to what you believe in and what you know is right. My react to courage that if I see bullying I need to stop it. Also if people join in the bully will know people don’t think it’s “cool” or don’t like it they won’t do it anymore. What we did at the courage retreat was listened to music and had lie three dance parties. The courage retreat made and impact on how I think of things like the voice inside our head telling us if we should help or not we need to start lisiining to it some times because it can be right. When people are laughing at people like when K.K told the story about the girl on the farm there was no reason to laugh people live where they live the only reason they did it was to be cool and in my opinion it was mean not cool.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was at the courage retreat I learned that it’s not a great decision follow a crowd or go with their fears. I thought it was going to be a really boring four hour lecture about bullying. There was music and this person named Dan was really funny. We got pizza from Domino’s. We did this thing called the jump rope challenge. The best thing I liked about it was the pizza. I did the pebble in the pound I was really nervous but I didn’t let my fears stop me from doing it. When I did the pebble in the pound I said, “I want to stop bullying because; I once was bullied in second and third grade and got in trouble by trying to stand up against the bully but I got suspended for a whole day.”
ReplyDeleteThe courage retreat was pretty good, and it taught me a lot about making a change, how to be you, how to stand up for people, and most important of all how to prevent/stop bullying. My favorite part of the retreat was when everybody had to get through the rope because it was fun and exhilarating and at the end u had to high five someone and says I like your face and then the other person has to say I like your face and then you have to say I can’t blame you. After this retreat I’m stating to see things differently about bullying because we learned about courage and how you have fear you have courage. At the retreat the people told us to wright down one act of courage there going to do and mine was, just be you and don’t be anything you’re not because being yourself will not benefit you if you’re not who you are.
ReplyDeleteAt the courage retreat, Yes it takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. I agree if you don’t use courage you will get beat up all the time and have to learn it all over again. Courage is what it takes to standup to one another if you don’t stand up to one another you will get bulled. Courage is also the way to stand up to ask question and to listen in class. courage is also the way to be you no one else and the way to stand up for friend stand to tell friends to stop bulling. Courage is found in places you would never think. If you have no fear you cannot have courage in those weird places like the sole. the courage retreat was fun.
ReplyDeleteDuring the courage retreat I had a lot of fun dancing and doing fun activities that teach you so many things like don’t worry about what other people think and just be yourself. One of the activities that we did was called the secret money holder and you go around high fiving people and five people has a dollar in their hand and if you high five them you get the dollar this activity was really fun. The next one was the giant jump rope challenge and this activity everyone had to work together. All these activities teach us how we need to work together and stand up for yourself .And then we had a delicious pizza. While we were in our groups I met a lot of new people. And we talked about bullying and courage. One of the volunteer, KK, told us a story and it meant to me that don’t be a bystander and don’t be mean and bully. Later on, we did another thing called pebble in a pond and everyone shared their stories and what they promise to do when they walk out the door. I promise to always be nice to someone and not be a bystander and if someone one needs help I will help them out.
ReplyDeleteWhen I went to the Courage Retreat field trip, I came up with an act of courage and it is to help others when they are getting bullied and not be a bystander when bullying is happening. I see a lot of bulling in our school and I think that should stop immediately. The retreat changed my thinking in being nicer to people and to stand up for myself, my family, and people around me at school, at home, or anywhere else.
ReplyDelete“Courage is found in unlikely places.” I think this quote means that you can find courage in unexpected places, like courage can be something that you find unexpectedly. I think this is true because I could find courage when I stand up for someone sometime.
During the courage retreat it was fun with the activities. What I learned was that always be yourself and never change yourself and that always stand up to a person that is getting bullied so they don’t feel lonely. What I also learned that being a bully can affect your life when you are older and without fear you cannot have courage. It was fun when we were doing the jump rope activity and the secret money thing and when we were dancing.
ReplyDeleteDuring the courage retreat my act of courage was to stand up for myself and people around me because I think it is important that everybody can be able to stand up for their rights and freedom. I learned that not everybody is who they seem. KK was telling the story about the football player and how he stood up to his team mates and told them that he only plays football because his friends do. He said that he really wants to be in acting (school musicals). That showed that he was strong enough to stand up to his friends and speak out for what he actually wants to do in life. Without fear there cannot be courage -Christopher Paolini. Bullying is wrong because you’re putting the other person down, making yourself feel good. Instead of doing that why don’t people just become friends instead on enemies? Then we would all be happy. My favorite activity was the truth game. I found out that one of my friends has a sister. I think it is important to know all about your friends and then you could find similarities.
ReplyDeleteMy act of courage is to be myself and not act diffrently to some friends then others.And be nice to the people in the school and if i see something wrong say something.
ReplyDeleteIn the courage retreat we danced. We had KK telling us stories about her life and how we should be equal with each other. We did pebbles in a lake where we shared things we were going to make a commitment at for the rest of our life. My commitment was to help people who are being bullied and stop bullies and other people. I think bullying is wrong because it makes people feel bad and can stop people from being themselves. It didn't really change my thoughts because I've always known bullying is wrong.